Valter Agostinetto’s Farm
Created by an ancient family tradition, Rivalei is a small winemaking company placed in San Pietro di Barbozza. Its vineyards cover an area of 5 hectares that allow the production of the most renowned wine: the Valdobbiadene Superiore DOCG.
The harvesting on the banks is done manually, with the baskets from long ago. The wine is made by using traditional methods in order to keep its unique contents, as regards the taste and the smell.
We wouldn’t like to dwell on our land, our grapes, our production, the winemaking and our bottles; we’d rather let our passion talk, and especially the facts, the essence of our unique wines.
It will be a pleasure to recommend our new distant friends, besides the ones that have gifted us with their presence in our wineries for years, our different kinds of wines.